BLOG TOUR | Come to me by Amy W. Vogel

This is my stop during the book blitz for Come to Me by Amy W. Vogel. Come to Me is a devotional for healing from hurt.

This book blitz is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 5 till 18 June. See the tour schedule

Come To Me: A Devotional for Healing from Hurt

By Amy W. Vogel

Genre: Non-fiction/ Christian Inspiration & Spiritual Growth

Release Date: late May 2023


From the author of Third Person: 30 Days with the Holy Spirit comes a unique devotional experience. Come to Me stands out with messages from one particular passage, Matthew 11:28-30. 

It is an invitation by Jesus to those who are hurting, with a promise to bring hope, soul-level rest, and a new vision of wholeness to those experiencing the wounds of life. 

Jesus meets us right where we are, and through this collection of personal reflections, time-tested spiritual practices, and new ways to imagine God working, you can find the healing from the hurt you long for.




Also available as journal version!

Come to Me is also available as journal version. The Journal version has the same content as the devotional book just with an extra page after each day so you can write there.

About the journal edition:

Jesus meets us right where we are, and through this collection of personal reflections, time-tested spiritual practices, and new ways to imagine God working, you can find the healing from the hurt you long for and document your healing process right in the pages of the book. Your full experience is right here waiting for you.

You can buy the journal version here on Amazon


Day 9 Excerpt:

The big internal situation I’m recovering from, still, is massive burnout from my work in ministry. It happened for a few reasons, including my lack of boundaries. I was ignorant of my need for boundaries until a few years ago. But as my therapist says, “You get it when you get it,” When I realized how out of bounds my life was, I also recognized how far I was living outside of my capacity.

I always thought I was a superwoman. Well, I crashed my invisible plane and found my heart on the ground and my body completely exhausted, I could barely function beyond the daily basics of being a wife and mother.

For the first time in my adult life, I listened to that small, trusted circle of people who told me the truth; they told me to rest – the only way out of this disturbing place of woundedness. I did not ask very much of myself for a solid four months. My only goal was to be as present as possible for my nuclear family, and there were days when I could barely manage that. When I overextended my heart and mind, I paid for it. I saw that my capacity was not superhuman.

Because I am just human.

And I accepted where I was for the first time in my adult life. I’ve spent so much time pushing myself past the limits of my mind and body to feel worthy and valuable. That pattern of life wrecked me in so many ways.

I know now, friends, that it was only a place to start. Being on the ground pushed down, and burnt out was the only place to start. It is the place Jesus meets us today. I believe He is making a point to sit with us as long as we need to until we have the strength to try and stand again with His help. But I also know He will wait.

Prayer: Here I am, Lord. This is where I am starting. I do not feel like it is a good place, but I acknowledge that it is not all bad. I am on the ground and invite you to join me where and how I am. I trust. You don’t judge me in a critical way for being here but see the truth, the real reasons why I am here. I also trust you will slowly, gently reveal those to me so that I may surrender to how you want to transform my toughness into something deliciously tender. I make a spot for You beside me, Lord Jesus. It is in Your Name, I pray, Amen.

Amy W. Vogel is an accomplished author, speaker, podcaster, and ministry consultant. She loves learning and sharing her knowledge through stories in her inspirational projects and fiction novels. 

Amy creates, leads, and speaks to large and small groups and churches to help people understand their inherent worth and goodness by giving them a vision of hope for everyone, everywhere. She is married to David, has three daughters, and lives in Houston, TX.

Author links:









There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Come to Me. One winner wins a prize package including: a t-shirt, a signed paperback copy of Come to Me, a bookmark, a prayer exercise and an inspirational card deck (US Only).

Clickhere for a Rafflecopter giveaway !

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